29. Odd market

I am experimenting with sub-locations. This one could be placed in any habitat where commerce is going on, for example in the Ancient City.

Rounding a corner, you emerge on a busy, narrow street. The ceiling is suddenly so distant it might as well be the open night sky. Shaded, ancient arcades line the thoroughfare which is dimly, unevenly, lit by neon, string lights, strobes and fire in equal measure. Steam from some malfunctioning vent wrap the stalls in misty strands, mingling with sweet incense smoke and other, odder vapours. Your nostrils are assaulted by a hundred smells you recognise and twice as many you don’t. Many of the things on sale are unfamiliar, yet there seems to be buyers for it all, as strange as the merchants themselves.

Type: Area

Function: Market 

Power source: As habitat

Gravity: As habitat

Size: Narrow lane 

Affiliation: None

Population: A dozen vendors, many visitors

Sells: See entries 

Buys: See entries 

Many, strange cultures, subcultures and ways of life have emerged in the Belts, and many odd things are produced, sold and bought in the system. Merchants from across a hundred worlds and worldlets come and go in this place to peddle their wares. 

  • A slender cyborg with rough, metal skin (which turns out to be rows upon rows of etched poetry on close scrutiny) sells strange and frightening AR-programs and custom holo-projections. Many of them shimmer in the air around their stall.
  • A large, grey-bearded man under a silken, blue canopy sells many-coloured seeds from large ceramic bowls. They can be used to season food or ground up and smoked. In any case, they evoke an intense sense of nostalgia.
  • An old woman with neon braids and emerald eyes sell what appears to be flotsam. She claims it came from space. Analysis reveals it contains human DNA.
  • A grinning punk with mother-of-pearl skin and long, metal fingernails sells knives in all shapes and sizes, including vibroblades and ephemeral monofilament swords.
  • A small, dour-looking man sells a thick stew, the best you’ve ever head. He refuses to share the recipe. 
  • A bearded monk in a stall adorned with smoking censers sells beautiful icons, depicting saints you’ve never heard of.
  • Three tiny, identical ladies sell used paperback books. If you buy one, it might contain coordinates to a strange places scribbled on the inside of the cover. They are very expensive however.
  • A large punk with a silver buzz-cut invites you to his very small surgery room through a door in the arcade. He will install counterfeit cybernetics at a bargain. Every Sunday, they shut down for seven seconds. There is no way to trace or detect the error.
  • A crestfallen, bald woman in a sharp-looking but dirty suit sits by a crudely written street talker. She sells a frigate at a bargain (still a huge amount of money of course). She won’t tell why.
  • There is an unattended stall with beautiful, artisanal handguns. No vendor to be seen. No one has seen the for days,  but no one seems to dare to steal anything either.
  • A woman, statuesque in demeanour as well as appearance, sells military surplus protein bars. They are not very tasty, but very cheap. She seems to have an almost infinite supply.


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