23. War zone

A breeze of ionised particles, the crackle of broken transponders, heat blooming on the IR cam display and an increasingly intense tide of debris: these are the hallmarks of the aftermath of battle. The colony was hit hard, likely at catastrophic losses to both sides. It happened recently and it will be hours before government forces reach the site. You can see it now; the habitat cracked open by nuclear fire, like a singed egg of steel and stone. A frozen corpse bounces of the port sensor array. Grab from the dead what you can and get out.

Type: Destroyed habitat

Function: War zone

Power source: None 

Gravity:  None

Size: 900 m diameter

Affiliation: Government

Population: A few survivors at most 

Sells: Nothing

Buys: Nothing

This colony was believed to be a hideout for rebels and insurgents. Government forces raided it but vastly misjudged the situation, resulting in a rapid and catastrophic escalation. It used to be a trading port but is now destroyed beyond salvage.

Several governmental frigates are inbound and will arrive within five hours, at which point the PCs will likely be forced to escape to avoid destruction by superior fire power. Divide gameplay into hours and allow the PCs to examine as many features as they desire in that time. Approaching and superficially scanning a feature takes one hour, examining in-depth takes another. In addition, each approach entails a piloting check to avoid light damage to the ship. 

PBF Icarus

A severely damaged frigate of the governmental navy. It might have fired the nuke that destroyed the habitat. Little to salvage but some ceramic hull plating at first sight.

On examination: A nuclear torpedo remains intact in a mangled tube. Examination by EVA requires a fortitude save to avoid medium damage due to radiation, shrapnel and heat.

Habitat interior

Ripped open by a nuclear blast, revealing corridors, apartments and maintenance ducts. A red-hot, irradiated hell hole, blackened corpses fused to the walls.

On examination: 1d4 survivors in a bunker. They are desperate and willing to pay to be rescued.

The Kestrel Nocturnal 

A separatist warship disguised as a freighter, perforated by rail gun fire. Blocky and ungainly. The engine, a simple and heavy but powerful plasma rocket, is mostly intact. Test technology to avoid triggering catastrophic overheat and medium damage to anyone in vicinity.

On examination: Scrutiny reveals that this is a lightly armed rebel troop transport. The crew is dead due to rapid decompression but 1d4 combat spacesuits and as many heavy rifles can be looted.

The docks

Torn open but not as affected by the nuclear blast as the habitat proper. Many floating corpses around the life pod tubes.

On examination: A light shuttle remains intact. It can be fitted to most frigates and corvettes.

Comms tower

The looming array of antennas, hundreds of metres tall seems partially intact. 

On examination: A tightbeam transmitter can be wrenched from the wreckage.


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